Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

Male Breast Reduction Surgery Cranston


ere’s the truth: Gynecomastia is very common. Swollen breast tissue in boys and men is usually caused by a hormone imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. It can affect one or both breasts and give them a loose, flabby look that is unsightly and somewhat against the social norms for men.


Newborn males, boys going through puberty and older men – aged 50 to 80 – may develop gynecomastia as a result of normal changes in hormone levels, obesity, alcoholism, drug use and certain prescription medications. Gynecomastia isn’t a serious problem, but it can be tough to cope with. It sometimes causes breast pain and often causes embarrassment for men among women and their peers.


But, rest assured, Dr. Zienowicz can manage any case of gynecomastia by removing the extra breast tissue and sculpting the chest to provide an attractive, natural appearing masculine chest! 

The Gynecomastia Procedure


A small incision around the border of the pigmented areola is used to provide access to remove the fatty tissue. Healing is very fast and scars are typically inconspicuous, fading quickly after a few months. Downtime is also minimal and you may return to vigorous exercise within a few weeks.

This condition sometimes referred to as “man boobs” or “moobs,” can severely impact a male’s quality of life and self-confidence. That is why we use all the training, techniques, and methods at our disposal to alleviate these issues for men and give them the physical appearance they desire.


Gynecomastia correction is the most common surgical procedure for men after liposuction, and our surgeons Dr. Zienowicz is a recognized expert in gynecomastia surgery of all types, from the mild to the most severe cases. Gynecomastia surgery is among the most common procedures performed by our surgeons at bodybyZ!

If you would like more information on how Dr. Zienowicz has performed gynecomastia procedures with ideal results for men, please contact our office at 401.453.0120. Or use our convenient online Request an Consultation form.


Male Breast Reduction


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